Statement by Mayor Bill Dieruf regarding impending release of DOJ report


Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022


Dieruf for Metro Mayor Campaign Manager

Carol Timmons mobile: (502) 593-9737 or

Statement by Mayor Bill Dieruf regarding impending release of DOJ report

Approximately 18 months ago, the United States Department of Justice began an investigation into the patterns and practices of the Louisville Metro Police Department. Recent news stories have made us aware that the investigation is going to be concluded soon. In an attempt to get out in front of what that report is going to reveal, Mayor Fischer and Chief Shields made the rounds last week to local media outlets and held an online forum to do damage control in advance of its release.

They know this report from the Department of Justice will be a damning indictment of their leadership and that of their predecessors.  This is nothing more than a last-minute attempt to distract us from their failures by pointing to changes that have done nothing to address the root cause of the problem.

They waited until they got caught allowing these systemic problems to continue that should have been addressed long ago.  Shame on them for trying to make it sound like they have been working hard to fix problems when they — and their longtime controlling interests — created them.  In doing so they put your public safety at great risk. They fractured our city and still fail to accept responsibility. We will not stand for it.

I implore the Department of Justice to release the report as soon as possible, and ask Mayor Fischer, Chief Shields, and members of their administration to make public all briefings and communications they’ve received from the Department of Justice concerning the report’s preliminary findings.

What’s happening here is unfair. All people of Louisville — from the rank and file of the LMPD to those who protested against injustice — have a right to know these findings in regard to the long-term, systemic political mismanagement of LMPD and Louisville Metro Government.

It is absolutely imperative that the report be released to the public before the election on November 8, so that the voters may be fully informed. It’s clear that Mayor Fischer will attempt to do as he has done so many times in the past — stonewall, stall, cover up and blame others for the critical findings of the Department of Justice. Only by doing so can he protect Craig Greenberg, his hand-picked successor.

The report must be released as soon as possible so that voters have an opportunity to learn and understand the findings of this investigation. Any delay in releasing the report is not right! It is not fair to you, the people, who depend upon our police officers for public safety. It is not fair to those who distrust the police, who want to know what has been found. It is not fair to the voters, who want to make an informed decision.

Be assured of this — the DOJ report potentially could shed extremely negative light on several years – perhaps decades – of inept leadership at LMPD and Louisville Metro. And it is not fair to the rank and file of LMPD, who strive to improve. Stonewalling with respect to the report helps only my opponent and the old guard power brokers who put him up to run. But mark my words, Greg Fischer will do just that.

It is time to bring to an end the years of broken promises made to neighborhoods throughout Louisville by the political elite. Years of unprecedented and prolonged deception have prevented unity, squandered resources, and failed our city on every front — from Corrections, to housing, to TARC and TARC3  —  but especially when it comes to our public safety.

Yet these political elites who have failed us and our city for decades now expect voters to rubber stamp Craig Greenberg, their hand-picked candidate for Mayor, to continue their hold on power and influence.

Let me be absolutely clear about the stakes of this election:  These old guard power brokers have backed Greg Fischer for the past 12 years and now they are backing my opponent Craig Greenberg because Craig is more of the same as Greg.

We have an opportunity to break the cycle that is ruining Louisville Metro.

As Mayor, I will move our whole community forward with fresh leadership — free from the tired old trappings of ineffective and inefficient government operations that have prevented Louisville from becoming the place that ALL people of Louisville want to live, work, and raise their families.

Continuing down the path of failed leadership will give us the same failed results that led to the scrutiny of the Department of Justice on our city. The voters of Louisville Metro deserve better, and they are demanding change.

When my opponent tells you what his plans are, keep in mind it is going to be more of what we have experienced for decades. These plans will only be a continuation of what got us to this dismal point. The only way he could speak to details is if he has been briefed by the current administration. I don’t need to be coached by the current administration because I’ve been a Mayor and have extensive experience in community leadership. My opponent has none.

We cannot afford four more years of the same lackluster leadership. I’m running for Mayor to reform Louisville Metro Government and give voters the truly transparent leadership they deserve.

Eight weeks from today, the voters of Louisville Metro will deliver their verdict on whether to continue with the failed status quo in our city.  I’m confident that they will deliver a message loud and clear to City Hall that it’s time to go in a new direction.

Remember: Nothing changes if nothing ever changes.



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