Dieruf sets record straight on Greenberg’s false attack ads


Throughout this campaign, I have been focused on issues that are within the purview of the Louisville Mayor’s race. Mr. Greenberg and his campaign are injecting a national issue into this race in an attempt to confuse voters on what is clearly a state and national issue. There are so many local issues that deserve to be addressed — like safety, housing, jobs, economic development and drug addiction among others that the Louisville Mayor can have an impact on. 

I am focused on uniting the community. However, Mr. Greenberg cites Roe v. Wade for one purpose, and that is to divide us and polarize our community further while bringing up a national and state level issue. That is misguided. If he is willing to divide us to get elected, how can we trust that he will unite us if he is elected? Mr. Greenberg is completely lost when it comes to understanding the role of a mayor. 

I want to hold Mr. Greenberg accountable for the untruths he has put out about me. His ad states what my stance is on the Roe v. Wade Constitutional issue — and it’s lies. Mr. Greenberg’s ad makes it sound like I’m going to have police hunting down pregnant women and doctors. Nothing could be further from the truth. In my view, if doctors are not following the law, it’s up to the medical licensure board to hold them accountable. Meanwhile, Mr. Greenberg likes to tout his endorsement by Planned Parenthood — a group that has publicly stated its support for defunding the police. Louisville needs to be a safer place. That won’t happen if the city defunds the police.

The sanctity of life is a personal issue for me. My wife, Jody, and I had a daughter named Stephanie who was born three months early. She lived for 18 months. We know how precious life is based on losing our young child. No parent should have to bury a child. We cherish the short time we had with Stephanie and would give anything if we could have had her with us longer. So, yes, I believe life is precious. However, I believe any legislation regulating or restricting abortion should include exceptions for rape, incest, life of the mother and health of the baby.

My position is not extreme, but I am extremely qualified to be Mayor of Louisville. What I do think is extreme is lying about your opponent in an effort to gain political support. I ask Louisville voters to consider this: If he’s going to lie to you in a political ad, what makes you think he won’t lie to you as mayor? I am sure my opponent will continue to play these sound bite games with national issues and try to tie me to things that simply are not true -- since he already has.

Keep in mind that my opponent is the handpicked successor to the current old money, establishment leadership. This campaign boils down to Craig Greenberg’s wild rhetoric versus my proven results.  I’m confident that the voters of Louisville Metro will see through his smears. They want real change, not more of the same. They want a safer, cleaner city where children can play outside without fear of stray bullets — NOT a continuation of the status quo. And that’s what my opponent is. 


Mayor Bill Dieruf’s statement on the need to restore juvenile justice in Louisville